Were entering Week 8 of Fortnite: Chapter 2 Season 1, which brings with it the Dive! mission. Unlike the previous couple of weeks, the Dive! challenges isnt as involved or interesting, consisting of very simple template style damage, elimination and resource collection missions for the most part.
This article will be focusing on the only somewhat interesting challenge for the mission: Complete the swimming time trials at Lazy Lake and East of Hydro 16. This is the fourth challenge in the mission, which means to access it, youll need to complete one challenge prior.
For those of you who have been playing Fortnite for a while, youll know what to expect with this type of challenge. Finding the time trials starting point being the only real point of contention, which this article will primarily focus on.
For those unfamiliar with time trials, I will explain them briefly. You first need to locate their starting position. This often takes the form of an ethereal gravity defying stopwatch. In this case, no defiance of gravity here, its just floating in the water.
Once you locate the stopwatch, youll interact with it, using your use button and the time trial will begin in earnest. A jingle will play (which speeds up as you get closer to the timer expiring) and blue ethereal rings (or waymarkers) will spawn that you need to head to and through. This process will repeat until you pass past the final waymarker or through the final ring. If you did it fast enough, youll hear some fanfare and be awarded completion for that part of the challenge.
This specific time trial is a swimming time trial, which means youll find the beginning stopwatch out in the water and youll just need to swim through each waymarker/ring as you go. No vehicle or building skills required, making this one of the easiest time trials to date.
Below is a map with both time trial locations marked.
The first named time trial, Lazy Lake, is circled in red. The second named time trial, east of Hydro 16, is circled in purple. As you can see, both time trials are quite close together, meaning you could quite easily knock out both in a single match. Should you be lucky enough to not have a player camping the coast shooting people attempting to complete it. Finally, the time trials can be completed in any order.
The Lazy Lake time trial (circled in red) is very easily spotted by anyone on the river. On the very western edge of Lazy Lake is a small wooden pier. If you look directly out from that pier, you should be able to see the blue stopwatch in the water. F6 on the main maps grid.
The East of Hydro 16 time trial (circled in purple) is the less easily located of the two, especially with its confusing name itd be more accurate to call it the Misty Meadows time trial. On the northwestern edge of Misty Meadows on the lakes coast is an elevated wooden pier. Very slightly to the northwest this pier, in the water, is the blue stopwatch. Located at E7 on the main maps grid.
Once youve swam through both time trials thats all there is to it for this challenge, which is, arguably, the most interesting challenge of the entire mission. As mentioned earlier, as it is based on swimming and doesnt require any building skills or vehicle handling skills, this should be fairly easy to knock off for most players once they locate the stopwatch.